History of Tynedales

As I sat in front of the careers officer at Springfield Comprehensive, I was asked what I wanted to be when I left school, without any hesitation I replied an undertaker, oh how he laughed. He said if you cannot take this seriously send in the next person. That only made me more determined to carry out my dream career. I started in the funeral business in 1988 starting from Chauffeur Bearer to preparing coffins then moving on to Embalming to become a Funeral Director.

I like to be known as an undertaker as I can carry out all aspects of the funeral trade. I was working for Tynedale Funeral Services as a manager when a life changing opportunity arose. I can remember sitting down with my wife Diane saying Peter the owner at the time wanted to retire. After discussions with my wife and numerous phone calls I asked Peter if he would be willing to sell the business to us. Thankfully he agreed.

Diane and I have been happily married for 27 years and have two beautiful children. We have had fantastic support and help behind the scenes to help fulfil our dream.

Our plan to renovate our premises in South Shields, Hebburn and Jarrow to bring them up to date externally and internally, is now complete. 

We have also introduced in a new coffin range and new products. At all times maintaining the constant care & attention we always provide.

Diane is not only my wife but my best friend. I trust her wholeheartedly and we are looking forward to building Tynedale Family Funeral Directors strength to strength for many years to come.